Having a set of 6 year old twins makes an uninterrupted conversation with my husband, or anyone for that matter, virtually impossible. so when it's a Saturday night and we have an opportunity for some "kid free" time, we take it ! We weren't sure how this night was going to turn out, seeing we have been captive to the Disney Channel, Power Rangers and My Little Pony. We weren't sure we would even know any songs that would be played this night. But, we went for it, off to see Tongue N Groove. We wondered what kind of music this band would even play.
To our surprise, we knew the music ! There was a variety of The Cars, Pink Floyd, Aerosmith, Pink, The Hollies and even Prince ! Yes, you heard it right, Prince Purple Rain ! Who even remembers that song ? I was back in 1985 and it was great ! The energy was amazing and the band sounded awesome !
Having a summer party, family reunion, or just a get together? Contact Tongue N Groove (find their page on Facebook) you won't be disappointed !