I am all about celebrating life. Whether big or small an accomplishment needs to be recognized for a job well done. That is exactly what I decided to do for the twins graduation from kindergarten. They have worked so hard all year. They've done such an awesome job learning how to read that they now read bedtime stories to me ! They have jumped leaps & bounds with their writing skills and are starting to write sentences into stories. How can we not celebrate these accomplishments? Instead of purchasing gifts for them from Toys R Us or the Apple Store, I decided to give them an even greater gift, the gift of celebrating with friends. As they grow they will see that no item purchased at the store can compare to a core group of friends to carry you through your tough times and laugh with you through good times. We all need someone and starting solid friendships that will continue to grow through out their lives is definitely an asset.
It all started with a post on Facebook that I was having horses come to the graduation party. Next thing I know, I receive a message from Gina Parker, owner of C is for Cupcake Baking Co. inquiring about my plans. The next few days lead us to this collaborative idea of a Country Fair Theme.
The only problem with having the horses here for the afternoon is now hearing, "can we get a horse?"
I had already planned for tug of war and water balloons, next we added sack races and knock the cans down. What a great DIY project. Save your old soup cans, and stack em up on a cute country basket. Sew together some bean bags and that's it,simple ! Super easy idea, thanks Gina !
What child doesn't love lemonade and popcorn ! A little sitting area was formed by adding a couple of bails of hay, some lemonade in these super cute mini milk jars.
Could they get any happier !
Let's just hang out and enjoy our treats before all our friends arrive !
Ahh - the cupcakes !!! Of course the classic cupcake was a shining star at the party ! Chocolate with butter cream frosting. In addition to the classic chocolate & vanilla, was pink lemonade and cotton candy. These cupcakes were a huge hit !
Simple touches that make for a beautiful table. How easy is this centerpiece? Taken from our own backyard! Sugar cookies, molasses and ginger snaps these treats were enjoyed by many. "this is such a great idea" was the consensuses of the comments that day.
This has to be one of my most favorite images ! This image alone will continue to bring back so many wonderful memories of their graduation party. There was no technology involved that day. All classic activities that brought friends together, let kids be kids and left mothers with crying children when it was time for them to leave. I am so happy I was able to give them this gift. May this be the start of many more wonderful parties !
Thank you Gina Parker for making this an even better party then I could have imagined !