Sunday, March 10, 2013

Love yourself NOW session

Love Yourself Now

We each have our very own battles that we deal with each day. I know for me there are many. I battle with my love for food and my determination to stay healthy and strong. Strong for myself and our family, hence my 4:30 am alarm that chimes in my ear to get me out of our bed and off to the gym.

Then there is the battle of balancing parenting and work. Or merely taking time for myself. Somewhere there has to be a couple of minutes for myself outside of soccer, dance, karate, school board meetings and my love for photography. OH wait, then there is the daily household duties that need to be accomplished. Cooking of the meals, laundry, homework, baths, and bedtime stories. You all get the idea here.

This got me to thinking, of course I am not alone in this battle. Naturally there has to be millions of others facing the same battle as I do. When will I ever be good enough to take time for myself. Shouldn't I just love myself NOW? Regardless of what the scale says or what I made for dinner? Yes, this isn't my mothers dinner table, I do serve mac & cheese for dinner and it isn't home made.

Wouldn't it be great if I could have a couple of hours for myself, uninterrupted by I phones or I pads, but merely I, as in me ?? Wouldn't it feel great to have someone else apply my makeup and do my hair ? AND have beautiful images to remember this O so special day ? Couldn't this recharge my love for myself or even make me realize just how beautiful I am?

I hope you enjoy your preview Pam, this was an exceptionally fun session with you ! The beautiful gown as well as your casual jeans & black top!  I love that we didn't transform you into some unrecognizable person. It's still you, but now you will have some awesome images to remember this day by !

 I look forward to showing many more woman just how beautiful they truly are !