Love Yourself NOW . . . . .
The Love Yourself Now session started around the beginning of this year. I started this new journey in my photography for a couple of reasons. One, I'm always up for a good challenge, two, nothing makes me more happy than to see a smile on my clients face after viewing their session and lastly, because I really feel there is too much emphasis on the negative and not the positive in this world !
Photographer aside, well as much as I can push her, little things are more important than capturing that perfect moment, the feeling; sadness, joy, excitement or love. Those emotions are all there for the taking. It depends on us on how we will feel them, or IF we will feel them at all.
For those that know me, I FEEL ALL OF THEM ! I still feel the pain of the teasing of always being the tallest girl {and sometimes taller than the boys} in class, yes, I'm going to say this, being the last one picked for a team in gym class, the disappointment of not getting the "perfect" job, because you just weren't good enough. . . These are all examples, very real at that, that affect our own thought of ourselves, our self image and self worth. We can get over these feelings and move forward as adults. Telling that little voice that those feelings were from years ago and mean nothing to the person we have become. But, if we are truly honest, they still linger in the backs of our minds, even if for just a second or two, here and there.
Those are some of the thoughts that have brought me to this point, offering a session to boost the self confidence that we all need. To show so many people the beauty that they posess, to value ourselves and how far we have come and just how much we have accomplished. To take the time to do something for your self, to receive a compliment and see how beautiful they truly are, and to revive our very own spirit and to come alive !
I've had great responses to the sessions I have accomplished this far. The women are excited once they schedule their session and once the sneak peeks come out, well for the most part, they are speechless ! I didn't put them on a diet, I didn't give them a face lift or remove 20 years from their face, I cherished them for them ! I embraced their beauty, their personalities, and their worth. The rest just falls into place and I am lucky enough to be the one sharing in their joy !!!
Recently, I have had a couple of potential clients contact me and their biggest concern is this; " I just don't photograph well" or "I'm really not as pretty as the other woman you have done" This breaks my heart !
If everyone could just see themselves the way the people that love them see them, it would be a wonderful world.
So, I've taken on my own challenge and photographed MYSELF ! The before picture is the exact same way I would photograph a client. Clean face, hair pulled back, it's just me. . . .The after picture was taken with a remote that I held in my hand{excuse the cut off of one arm }. It took me quite a while to get my settings, lights, and focus to the appropriate place, but I did it ! I did it to show everyone that is questioning booking a session, to just do it !
You will be leaving a legacy your children will treasure and you could potentially be the inspiration to another woman who may have been feeling the same exact way you were prior to your session !
Ok, lets add a little flower :) I have to admit, it was fun ! I, for sure, love being behind the lens. But I will admit, I'm pleased with the outcome !
How about some black & white love . . . .SURE, I'll take it !
OK, I'm partial to black & white, soooo here's another one ! Thinking this one would be my husband's choice.
It was a bit challenging getting these poses,{well almost right} running back and fourth to view the camera image, trying to get this in focus and on and on and on . . .but I did it ! I did it because I believe in leaving something for my children and grandchildren,because time is a gift, because I will never be the same as I am today and because I am worth it and so are YOU !